Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Ramadi does matter.........

Ramadi does matter..........our failed foreign policy at the cost of 4500 KIA and 30,000 WIA, the blood of our youth, speaks to a failed Administration foreign policy and a puppet Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, who blatantly ignored the Generals with boots on the ground to leave a residual force in place. The surge worked and in 2011 Iraq was stable even with a corrupt Maliki in place. Now we have sectarian violence, Iranians inbedded and the worst terrorist group in history, ISIS, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Christians and non-believers in the name of Allah. Bush involvement in this war was questionable but all these worthless political naysayers supported him.....this present chaos falls directly in the lap of our Commander and Chief and his political appointed worthless Generals as he relieved or fired the good ones who spoke up over the years contrary to his policies. Ramadi does matter.......God Bless our troops in harms way and God Bless our Veterans. Ooooooorah and Semper Fi. Monsoon

In the darkness and the miracle of a sunrise all my "brothers" who remember the night patrols, night ambushes, listening posts, even manning the perimeter. Those sleepless nights filled with fear, even when your hole was filled with a weapons crew. Everything seemed to be always moving and playing havoc with your mind. Those "pop up" illums that went on all night and "Puff" with it's constant hum of tracers filling the night sky. The distant sound of artillery on a "fire mission." The grenades thrown to the sound of the rustling palms so as not to give away your position. And the password so well memorized. "Nobody ever enjoyed nor appreciated a sunrise more than us," as we straggled down the hill for a cup of hot joe or reentered the lines and felt the safety within the perimeter. Memories that will forever remain and never fade. Love my "Band of Brothers and Sisters." Ooooooorah and Semper Fi. Monsoon